• iconKodumpidy P.O. Kottayam Dt.(PALA)
  • icontaborpalarc@gmail.com


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About Us

About us

Tabore at a Glance

The spiritual activities of Tabore started with a retreat for the religious and the lay people together from 16 th to 21 st August 1988, led by Rev. Fr. George Kalathil C.M.I and Miss Philomina Karodan. Then onwards God graced to have more than 1000 retreats here like:- inner healing and anointing in the Word of God, retreats for growth in gifts and charisms, growth in Eucharistic Faith, Agni Abishekam and Spiritual empowering retreat, Abba Anubhavam retreat, Anointing with precious Blood of Jesus’ Retreat, Yesu Krupanubhava dhyanam, Marian retreats, Tapas retreat, Parisudhalma Abhishekadhyanam, Christ culture retreat for youth, Mahathwathin sannidhyam retreat, group in prayer experience retreat, Christeen retreat for students, youth animation programme, vocation retreat for students, pariksha orukkadhyanam for S.S.L.C students, Mangalavardha dhyanam for couples, Divya Karunya Anubhava Dhyanam, retreat on Divine Passion of Christ.


Through these retreats more than one lakh people achieved renewal in their spiritual life. Many who attended the ministeries here, enjoyed the Devine presence sitting near the foot of Jesus and now proclaim the Word of God in the various parts of the world carrying the torch of Gospel and work with various retreat groups.

Besides, more than 5000 sisters of different congregations from different parts of India have attended ‘the long term prayer programme’ here. It helped them to return to their apostolic fields acquiring the contemplative prayer life and the spirit of austerity.

Continuous Programme

Many people return homes with the fullness of spirit, peace and healing after attending the renewal retreats from Sunday to Thursday, Tapas retreats for three days on every second Saturdays from 9 am to Monday 9 pm, night vigil on every Wednesday just after the Tapas retreat and 72 hours Adoration night and day continuously once in six months.

One day fasting prayer service is going on all Fridays- preaching the Word of God, Holly Mass, Healing Services, spiritual Sharing. Besides, facilities for spiritual sharing are provided to the needy people on almost all the days.

In the Tabore Chapel filled with Devine presence, Eucharistic adoration is held on all days, along with daily intercessory prayer and core group prayer once in a week.